The 7 Ways

7 ways to enhance your practice by collaborating with social workers

Patient Recruitment

Through their involvement in medical care sites and community programs, social workers are well situated to make referrals to pediatric dentists.

Improving Patient Outcomes

Because of their awareness of culture, family, and community, social workers help families implement your advice and comply with your instructions.

Removing Barriers

With their training in facilitation and psychotherapy, social workers can address a host of barriers to care including: transportation, appointment keeping, and insurance management as well as issues of anxiety, shame, and fear.

Early Intervention and Education

Based on their holistic view of oral healthcare and access to young child populations, social workers can promote the age one dental visit, dental home, and effective oral health engagement. In collaboration with social workers, pediatric dentists can host family workshops on children's oral health.

Working with Special Populations

Social workers are trained to work with special needs children and their families and to deal with behavioral problems. They can calm a child or parent, de-escalate difficult situations, and enable greater office productivity.

Staff Capacity Building

With their knowledge of group dynamics, social workers can facilitate staff development and cohesion, conduct staff trainings, and resolve interpersonal issues.

Patient Retention

By promoting practice growth, improving outcomes, removing barriers, educating families, attending to those with special needs, and building staff, social workers help you create the kind of practice that keeps families coming back for years.

Please note that health care providers are required, by law, to report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect, or domestic violence.