Helping Matt

What comes next for Matt?

Mom says she is happy to encourage Matt to brush his teeth but doubts that she can arrange her work schedule and child care to keep a follow up appointment.

You know that if Matt does not return for needed care he will likely develop an acute infection.

Improving Patient Outcomes

The school social worker can work with the family to develop a "family treatment plan" that sets specific goals around oral health.

Patient Retention

The holistic team approach of social worker and dentist evidences that your practice is serious about the continued well-being of children, thereby enhancing patient loyalty and retention.

Question 1:

As Matt's pediatric dentist, would you contact a social worker to assist this family?

  1. Definitely not
  2. Probably not, maybe another time
  3. Can't decide
  4. Might give it a try
  5. Absolutely