Nutrition Update
Pediatric dental offices are engaged in diet counseling every day with a direct focus on caries prevention. Pediatric dentists are in a prime position to initiate dietary education for families and impact their patients’ health beyond their dentition.

The MyPyramid Food Guidance System, a pictorial representation of the USDA’s Daily Food and Physical Activity Recommendations, was updated in 2011 to MyPlate.
The MyPyramid food image, while useful as a teaching tool, was perceived by many as outdated and too complicated. The new MyPlate icon emphasizes the fruit, vegetable, grains, protein and dairy food groups in a simplified manner. To learn more about MyPlate and obtain resources for your patients visit
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics develops Position papers as an analysis of current facts, data, and research literature. The Academy and its members, other professional associations, government agencies, and industry use position papers to shape food choices and impact the public's nutritional status.
The Academy has published a Position paper on Oral Health and Nutrition. This paper emphasizes the integral role nutrition plays in maintaining oral health and the potential collaborations between dietetics and dental professionals. An updated version of this paper is in the process of publication with an anticipated release date of early 2013. Click here to read this critical review.
How do Registered Dietitians work with the pediatric population?