
What browsers should I use for this site

MATCH is best viewed in the following browsers:

Do I need to log in to use MATCH?

MATCH is an open access learning environment. You don’t need to log in go through the modules.

The interactive activities are not working.

First, check if your browser is listed on the supported browser list of this website. Then check the JavaScript setting for your browser. If it is disabled, turn JavaScript on.

If the activities are still not working properly, please send us an email detailing what went wrong, which operating system you're on, and the browser version you're using.

Can I save my answers in the activities and quizzes?

The interactives and quizzes in MATCH modules store your responses locally and temporarily, only for the page’s lifetime. Navigating away from an interactive or quiz resets the responses. We suggest you print each interactive or quiz for your records.

You can print the summary of an activity once you’ve completed it.

Can I undo my responses in the activities and quizzes?

Yes, you can undo your responses in the activities by reloading the page. However, note that once you reload, all of your responses will be reset. The interactives and quizzes store your responses locally and temporarily, only for the page’s lifetime.

I can’t print my summaries from the interactives.

You can only print the summary of an interactive once you’ve completed it. Upon completion, you will see the following notification:

Activity Complete

You cannot print the interactive summary using your browser's print button. To print the summary, click the print button on the interactive page, and it looks like this:

Also note that the interactives and quizzes store your responses locally and temporarily, only for the page’s lifetime. Navigating away from an interactive or quiz resets the responses.

MATCH modules are open, serial learning environment. It’s recommended that you go through these sections in order, but you certainly can move forward and back as you prefer.

I have some questions related to the learning management system used to access MATCH.

MATCH is offered as free and open educational resource, independent from learning management systems (LMS). These modules can be linked to from any LMS, but they have neither interaction not data exchanges with the LMS. If you have questions regarding those learning platforms, you need to contact them separately.


Contact us

For more information on MATCH, please send us an email at